Who would you swap for Lomax?

With all the talk that Flanagan won't realese him early unless he gets a good player. Who would you let go? 

Me personally I would let Paulo, Sivo or Matterson go fo him. Paulo just seems to be running in cruise control these days, doesn't have the same effect he once did. 

Lomax would be a great pick up and needed for our backline, we must go hard for him. 

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              • This is why you change his role the bench could add time to his career.

                As for slowing down junior actually looks in very good nick coming into this season the boxing is good for him in the off season.

                The biggest thing Paulo has to look at is workload and the amount of games he's selected for.Example over the last few years he's played SoO on top of internationals for Samoa also.This is onething that will end a guy his ages career.

                You understand why he plays SoO because the financial enticement is there.

          • I completely get that super, but he is slowing down each year at a massive rate. He isn't the prop he used to be and sadly every year getting worse. I know he isn't the battering ram like some props and so on. But go back and watch his game on the weekend against the tigers. He was outplayed and couldn't keep up, made some stupid decisions in defence and attack Everytime we started getting our heels in. Yes if we moved him on we would miss him but others will fill his roll. Hopegood, matto and woody can play the second phase. 

            • He's at the back end and IMO, his value will continue decline vs what we are paying him.

              Using the super coach mentality he's an easy sell/swap.

  • Sivo definitely but who replaced him? Matterson definitely as he seems dis interested and has been for awhile. Not sure about Paulo as he's been good coming off the bench...He shouldn't be starting

    • Lomax to centre and push simmonson or tualigi to the wing when Moses is back. 

    • He was only playing for his contract, once he got it, he didn't care..

  • Definitely not Paulo.

    Not Sivo.

    Matterson or Simonsson and if they hesitate, offer up Hands as well.

    • No way they would even think of simonsson, they have a heap of hookers and we need that depth. 

      • They have 2 hookers. Jacob Liddle and Connor Mulheisen.

        • I thought they had the other lussick and some other young fella coming through as well. Too bad we got no hookers. 

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