Trent Robbinson.

I can not understand why he is not under pressure to keep his job. He has had the best roster for years and should of won way more games and comps then they have. Where BA from the mighty eels gets more out of his team with far less talent.  They are the NRL pets and get rules changed for them along the way ie.. salary cap dis for union players because they want to sighn that Australia winger. If the roosters wanted Scott the Nrl deliver him on a golden plate. They have the best roster in the comp and should have won it last year. So what is the bench mark for Robbo to keep his job, anything less than a grand final win should result in an automatic sacking.  I would take BA as a coach over this red faced winging underachieving citi coach any day of the week. 


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  • Trent Robinson has to been one of the luckiest coaches.First year had a awesome team with sbw and jennings and had room to get Luke oddonell. But in saying that the roosters have a very smart front office and unlike sarantinos politis doesn't take shit from anyone and that includes the nrl.

    Roosters were very unlucky to lose to Melbourne and who knows how far they would of got if they beat them.No way the roosters will ever punt Robinson I'd say that job is his for as long as he wants it.

  • They got Holbrook there for a reason . TR is under pressure , it's just that the media won't dare write about it.  Last year as soon as Holbrook arrived a few weeks before the semis ethey started winning games and playing much better footy. Plus they gave him a huge extension so they would have to pay buckets to punt him, easier to just get him good help. The guys a massive myth. 

    • He seems to be a protected species.

  • Coaches and the team can get a team to the finals but a strong leader is needed in the playing group to win the big games and deliver a premiership.

    All Trent Robinson premierships came when they bought in strong leadership in playing group.  SBW then Cronk.  Melb were successful due to Smith and Cronk leadership on field but since them leaving havent looked like premiership team come finals time.  Nathan Cleary is now providing that at Penrith and Burgess helped south's break their premiership drought.

    Who is parra on field leadership that can deliver in the big moments?   BA has gotten the team to the finals a lot but we dont have the quality player to win the big game.  We don't need a xfactor player, we need a strong personality to drive culture off field in training, and to stand up when things go against us in big games.

    • Spot on, fake midget. Bennett himself said the team's leaders are more important to success than the coach. This was Brian Smith's problem;  he either didn't want the best leaders or they didn't want to play for him. Maybe this is also Brad Arthur's problem? But really, when has our club ever had these great onfield leadership types? Not since 1986.

      • Absolutely 100%. The last player we had who had Premiership team captain written all over him was James Maloney. Had we have kept Maloney we would have won 2 premierships. What is the psychology behind letting everyone with real leadership qualities go? It's wearing thin on everyone. I bet you Sanders has those qualities so we'll wave him goodbye.


      • I disagree with Smith. He had some very good leaders at the club in his time. Dean Pay and Jim Dymock then Jason Taylor and to a lesser extent Cayless. 

    • Don't dare say that Guthersons not a great captain around here . That'll get you a paddlin from the fanboys. 

      • We need a forward leader - someone like. Beau Scott type player and Dean Pay. They don't need to yell at players but lead with physicality and respect of the team. 

        • It wasn't a coincidence that our defence really improved with Beau Scott in the side.  They say defence is good gauge on a teams attitude and intensity and Scott improved the culture on and off the field.

          He wasn't here for long but when he was he was all in for parra.  Unlike our so called leaders who haven't shown any passion for the club allowing their manager to play contract negotiations thru the media, laughing after losses and ignoring fans after home games.

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