
    • A dunster Bailey duo could work yeah. Dunster way better defensively then sivo lol 

    • Dunster hadn't been any good since his injury. The recruiting should have been chasing a winger instead of more forwards ridiculous 

  • I'm a big Sivo fan. Some of the tries he scores other wingers don't score because if his immense power. But this may be the thing that ends his NRL career. I simply can't believe he has come in and done this again. He'd be in the bad books big time. 

    It's a chance for Dunster who looked pretty good on Sunday with limited minutes 

    • Agree Sivo does score tries others wouldn't because of his power however he also doesn't score tries others would because of his lake of urgency and speed and agility.
      There are time when you wish he would be a bit more agile and fast to get around the cover defender instead he can be a bit complacent and not go full tilt thinking he has the power to barge through comfortably but unfortunately the defender gets a good hit on him and he doesn't score. 
      Then as you say he scores a try from pure strength. 

  • Its a bad sign, in an otherwise great trial, because we are starting the season with a 3 week suspension in our already very thin outside backs.

    This was an area that obviously cost us last season & the tackle itself proves that Sivo is no more mindful of this than he was last season. There is no reason to believe this will be the last time it happens, more the opposite.

    The biggest issue with Sivo, opinion only, is he requires an on-field coach - Jennings made comments about this when here - he needs mentoring, he's not exactly a student of the game.

    Simonsson looked great & seems to have improved with the preseason in the centres, but he's not a genuine defensive centre who can / will bring the best out of Sivo, nor should he have to be considering Sivo's experience.

    I love the big fella, but this season is huge for him & there is no denying an 'on' Sivo has a big impact on our Premiership chances. The defensive jams we can probably argue whether he was 100% at fault or not, but, starting with a 3 week suspension is near unforgiveable, considering the stupidity of the tackle -  and thats all on him.

    • Sivo is plain dumb. Just used his brawn but never his brains. In addition to him being lazy. He could have always improved his try positions closer to the goal but didn't. He is more concerned on posing on the TV cameras. Any winger can score most, if not all, the tries he did

      • First sentence nails it. Eels power brokers won't want to lose a fan favourite though. Sivo, Sivo, Sivo = more money through the gates.

        • Won't stay a fan favourite if he is letting every man , his dog and its litter through though 🤔

    • Spot on , both our centres don't seem to be big on defensive comminication.Thats always a worry.

      Teams that have continuity throughout the year with centre and wing combinations not only have better defensive structures but end up on the pointy end of the ladder.

      Lucky Guthos a talker, Harper would suit the team better defensively he's more vocal, maybe BAs thinking horses for courses.

  • How about something completely left field - upgrading Ethyn Martin and playing him on the wing ? 

    Would be great to have a little bit of speed in the side. 

    Dunster is gone, you can't have a winger than is slower than most of the forwards. 

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