Should suspensions count in rep games?

With JWH finding a loophole which makes him eligable for round 1 2024, it is a big question that has been raised the past decade it seems. Should rep games be different when suspension is carried out. Many in the media think if you are suspended and there is an Origin coming up you should be allowed to play regardless. If that is the case, it would make serving your suspension in NRL games, meaning JWH misses start of 2024.

However, i feel if you are suspended you are suspended regardless if it is Origin, Finals or a GF. However, way i would do it is, say Cleary was suspended on the eve of Game I, he gets 2 matches, Origin should not be included in the matches served but you do not play Origin. This game tries to be tough but too many times the media and fans get their way in theatrics. Like if a player does something to warrant a suspension then bad luck. I know there are cases where a player is cited for very small indescretions, like a head high but the player was falling etc. Though if they have a decent record they will be hit with a fine. 

Remember in 2014, the carry on cause Issac Luke couldn't play the GF? Bad luck. But though i will say GF and finals should count as matches served as it is an NRL game.

Now to the tricky part, what if you get suspended due to an incident in Origin? By my logic you should only serve suspension in Origin. So that part i have not come across yet to how to sort it out, though i am in the belief that media intrigue and fan perception should come into who plays and who does not.

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  • Suspension until date in future or number of weeks etc (not games) will fix this crap. Happens in other sports, jockeys and rugby, why not NRL.

    Alternatively, suspension to apply at competition level so 4 NRL games or rep games wherever it happened.

  • I only have one statement. How many games was Ryan Matterson given off for rep games for his suspension???? He was one of the form players at the end of last year. The question is was he not picked because he was suspended. Was Heagraves picked so he could avoid suspension, probably his form this year has been awful and does not warrant suspension. So he is picked even though he canot play any games. One rule for the Rorters and one rule for the eels.

  • Should only count in club games

  • Credit to the roosters, they know how to work the system. Probably only took a quick call to the coach to request he be picked.

    I've never liked clubs being impacted by origin suspensions. It's not fair to the club. 

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