1. Blaize Talagi

2. Maika Sivo

3. Will Penisini

4. Sean Russell

5. Bailey Simmonson

6. Daejarn Asi

7. Dylan Brown (c)

8. Reagan Campbell-Gillard

9. Joey Lussick

10. Junior Paulo (c)

11. Shaun Lane

12. Ryan Matterson

13. J'maine Hopgood



14. Bryce Cartwright

15. Makahesi Makatoa

16. Joe Ofahengaue

17. Kelma Tuilagi



18. Brendan Hands

19. Morgan Harper

20. Ethan Sanders

21. Wiremu Grieg

22. Luca Moretti


INs: None

OUTs: None


Referee: Chris Butler

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  • 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

    • So dumb arse Trent's coaching philosophy is 'if it hasn't worked before, just stick with it'. Clearly he's learnt from his mentor BA! FMD 

  • Is BA still the coach?

    • No he would've made a change.

  • Shocking. But I could see some of the reserves coming in.

  • And just like that Barrett proves he's not up to the FG Coaches job either. Trots out the EXACT same side. He's learnt literally nothing. What a clown. 

    • True! At least it only took a week to find out...your comment made me chuckle haha

      seriously I don't get how come Lane and Sivo are staying afloat in fg at moment.

      maybe they wanted ba gone will see soon 

      dissappointed no Hands on bench lussick needs it

    • I'd be more worried if Baz brought in big changes and they worked and we started winning... because given our history of very dumb decisions we'd probably offer him the top job.

      • We have to get back to playing through the middle of teams and we want stop start games we don't want the ball in play for long periods.This is half our problem our big guys in the middle can't handle the pace.Once the game gets unstructured and quick we get torn apart.

        Our kicking game needs to be tweaked ball over the sidelines and whenever we can we defend off a set defensive line.

        Ball in play for long periods and unstructured play tears us apart.You saw a great example of it last week with Grant having his way round our ruck and just about every other play the ball the Storm ball runners finding there fronts.Storm were running harder than our guys also and our guys get rolled in tackles.

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