Will 5150 wrote an excellent post that referred to our CULTURE. This prompted me to think how easily we use the word without actually understanding what it means, my views are no different.
I agree in general with you Will 5150 and I think you have identified the "subjectivity" but maybe not the "objectivity".
Culture is becoming a difficult word to "quantify" Its become too easily alluded to without understanding "it now" !
I think the culture of this site means well but it betrays everything that you are looking for in Parramatta, loyalty, understanding and circumstantial empathy......not to mention going off "half cocked".
No better than the negativity around our recruitment of JAC ......definitely does not identify with the culture you are promoting but a guy once he has arrived has had a tremendously positive influence on our "team" culture.
As i said I agree with you in culture being an issue for Parra, but I feel we have to create it before we live it. (maybe that's vice versa I am not sure either). I suppose I am saying it needs to evolve!
I don't think in the recruitment of an indivual you can be positive his/her effect can have on morale and culture. Its more a judgement when recruiting him/her agreeing that they are willing to be part of the culture we are trying to create and them wanting to be inclusive of it.
Penrith were once no different, Storm have created a special culture.....is the Rooster's culture a totally positive one? the same for the Broncs..... its not easy in the 80's Parra developed that special culture through Gibson and it was briefy mirrored by Monie but we then lost it via "immature" management after that and by the time we got into the 2000's we were for once starting a new culture only to again lose it via bad luck and weak management.......do those two things go together?
We enter this era post the foundation building that BA was part of and then lost, again through weak management (both coaching and administration). I think some of those management lessons have been re learnt and I am hopeful Ryles can take us there. Jim Saratinos has the makings of becoming an excellent CEO with the lessons he has been exposed to. The jury is most certainly out on the retention /recruitment group. The new coaching structure will hopefully give them a direction, with that General Manager Football yet to appear?
Lets include here that the weak management /administration was in the football area and not the financial. The improvement in that area was marked and should not be overlooked in judgement.
I see no more excuses for weak management, either the current group becomes refined to matching the coaching standard or we are back in the hole! That seems to be happening as well as there is now a definite sync between financial and football.
How would you individually explain "CULTURE" in one a broad sense and two as a "PARRAMATTA Rugby League thing"
If people want to be negative then fine but in identifying the problem, offer a solution, if its personal offer an alternative. Its easy to be a " Seagull" "Shit" and then fly off again.
PS Don't get lost on the Dyllan Brown thing, try to be more generalised and then refer back to it if you must.
This ^^^^^
Winning Competitions develops the culture...we start putting wins together and start filling up the trophy cabinet the rest takes care of itself ...all the other endless paragraghs is just plan waffle. almost 40 years thats the biggest cultural Issue at Parra....and the reason players dont want to come to the joint or dont stay for less. 4 wins in a row does wonders for culture...the rest is hand wringing rubbish
Crude but hard to argue with.....that is a culture in itself.
Yep greg, you can have objectively "good" or "bad" cultures, but it only becomes a winning culture when you use it to win.
Weak culture starts from the top, generally the leadership group and the coaching staff .
The culture under ba and Gutherson was money driven. How many times did we hear brad say, well this is what we're paid to do. And i still can't believe how captain courageous Gutherson used the media to his advantage dropping hand grenades on this club along with his management. I've never seen contract negotiations handled so poorly as with captain - not to mention being a captain who should be driving culture. Thank God he's out.
And also, i can't blame Matterson for what he did as his leaders drove that bs money first mentally Gutherson and ba
Good point on Matterson, he took a stance on principle and has paid a heavy and ongoing price for it. The culture was good, the result shit for the team.....interesting balance to maintain.
Let's not forget that the culture that is held up in the highest esteem, specifically Storm were involved in one of the biggest cheating scandles of all time, costing us one premiership that has never been rectified.
Huh! Storm culture is good has a Gordon Gecko sound to it......how do explain that one when holding Storm on their pedestal Adam? and Mick?.....
"he took a stance on principle" lol what a stupid baseless comment.. what principal is that? Enlighten us oh delusional one... screwing over the club, your teams mates that you stand next to each week in battle on field - you come up with some clueless, mindless BS.