Pick one player to sign.

If you could pick any player from a club to join eels which one would you choose currently ? For me Manu is someone I'd love at parra. 🤣 Just someone who is a serious threat out wide but can also cover 3/4 spots in the team at a pinch. 

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  • Walsh or Cleary

  • Munster. Maybe Brimson or Drinkwater. But definitely Munster.

  • ★

    As good as Walsh is, he doesn't fix our problems out wide or at hooker.

    It would take more than just Walsh to put is in the premiership equation. 

    • I'd be inclined to pick Brandon Smith. Has a combination with brown and has over 90% tackle effectiveness with over 350 tackles made.


  • I don't understand how Cleary, Renolyds or Walsh would help us win a premiership. None of them would improve our defence which is the issue in this team. If I could sign someone it would be bellamy, Webster or Ivan Cleary. 

    • Reynolds has the ability to transform a teams attitude. We wouldn't have lost 6 on the trot to start the year with him in our team. He makes players around him play better. 

    • I'd head hunt Frank Ponissi.

  • Everyone should see why Olam shouldn't be chased by us 

    • Defensively ... attack wise he is fine 

      • That is why i am adament, and have been for a while, that we get a defensive Centre, like Opacic. Get a Centre that can do both would be great but a defensive Centre nonetheless.

        We should have an identity as a defensive powerhouse.

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Frank The Tank replied to Adam Mogg's discussion Ryles- complete clean out happening.
"Precisely "
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Frank The Tank replied to Adam Mogg's discussion Ryles- complete clean out happening.
"Me too 😂😂😂"
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