
  • Thank god 

    we have such a great stadium but that club is a friggin menagerie 

    • I think they know they are losing out to Club Parramatta down the road, which is much more inviting. The vacant block between the stadium and leagues club was earmarked for a hotel.

      • Yep. They revealed plans for a redevelopment back in 2015, along with the car park, but unfortunately was knocked back. Was supposed to be a hotel, function centre, and gym.

  • I hope the plans are along the lines of what the Sharks are currently developing. The old Sharks site is basically a knock down / rebuild. It is a high rise that has almost a Westfield size shopping plaza including an Aldi the size of Bunnings, huge Woolworths and various other smaller shops opening up now. The Leagues club is being housed on several floors withing the complex along with a huge multi floor car park also within the complex. Above all this are the residential units/apartments and also a hotel. It is the blueprint for success. Anything less than that we should scrap our plans and start again.

    • I think the problem is that the land is leased from Parramatta Park Trust as I understand, so that sort of development would never be allowed.

    • yeah - but by doing that the Sharks have stuffed themselves to expand the ground they own to make it a bigger capacity. There now is no more room. And want the state government to fund an upgrade... 

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