Parra signings

Why give up matterson for Carr all we need is a good centre 

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  • ?

  • Scott rejected by NRL. No cheap centre for parra

    • Is that the case? Sucks if so. Lodge is different though?

      • The Lodge case is over 8 years ago and in a different NRL management era. If that happened today, he would suffer the same fate as Scott; no doubt.

        • Also had help from Wayne Bennett and it being Brisbane.

          Had Roosters wanted Scott i reckon something could have gotten over the line.

          • The management of the N R L we know are Parramatta hatters and it's always been that way .

            • More so loyal to those with figures behind them.

            • Were we even after Scott or do Eel ssupporters have a martyr complex

      • I agree. Lodge is worse if anything. Regardless of wether the decision was right or not, it shows we have no power.

        I think the biggest change need at the club is power within the NRL. It's no surprise the powerful clubs, like East, are at the top of the table year after year. They effectively pressure the NRL to accept signings etc. it is currently too easy for the NRL to say no to us. Unless that changes I can't see us pushing for a premiership. 

  • We are not giving up Matto

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"I don't enjoy watching us either but I try my very best to walk away with something a little thing and see if they can repeat it weekly.
With this team right now I'd describe my expectations as being at the baby steps stage."
23 minutes ago
Coryn Hughes replied to Grunta the great's discussion Game Day Blog - Eels vs Storm
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Graham polkinghorne replied to Grunta the great's discussion Game Day Blog - Eels vs Storm
"This is why we are in the mess with the roster now. Over paying players to keep them. It's time the Eels started to dictate contract negotiations."
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HKF replied to Grunta the great's discussion Game Day Blog - Eels vs Storm
"No way we should pay talagi $500k. He is 2-3 years away from being worth that IF he continues to improve. If another club wants to pay him now then let them."
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