
  • lol we had him .

    Interesting comments about being at clubs where they didn't really get opportunities or blooded as much as other kids ..  He had the wrong surname and regardless of where  Jake ends up in his career that is a fact

    • Really Snottie what has Jake got to do with Jai?

      In a shortened comp with only 20 rounds he did play half a dozen games for us - all in the 6 or 7. He was picked ahead of Will Smith and given every chance. 

      Because of Covid there weren't a lot of youngsters blooded that year. Big Stephano would have been the only one if it wasn't for the Jennings saga that gave Dunster a run

      For all we know the club might have tried to keep him but a start in SL was probably more attractive than to wait for Moses Brown or Guth to be out

      • Jake had Dylan Brown starting a game at centre mate 😂 in 2021 he was no where near ready but was givin the back up role in a team that was fighting for a top 4 position at the end of the season.  He was no where near ready and it was extremely costly for us. He wasn't ready in 2021 or 2022 and was occupying the utility role throughout the year in an nrl side and in a finals side. He was given more opportunity than any young half before him whilst he should've been developing in Cup. Field had years in Cup and more utility value but was out of the side as soon as Moses was in. 
        This isn't a knock on Jakes ability , it's 2023 now , he's older with more experience and I'm sure will play a role for Manly at some stage in the year as a depth piece. He wasn't what we needed at the time. 

        • And then?

        • Everything you have mentioned happened after Field left. He was only with us in 2020. Jake debuted in 2021. Jake was not blocking Jai from playing first grade.

  • Would be a good back up but I'd rather have French! The Eels need more speed in there team

    • I don't know where we'd play him or Field without getting exposed defensively as that's our weakness. Our weakness isn't scoring points.

  • Barring the full length try off the bomb where he showed some good speed, I didn't see an extensive highlights reel showing things that Gutho can't do. I suspect the French highlights reel shows a lot of x factor 

  • His defense couldn't be any worse than Reese Walsh same goes for Bevan French 

  • Are we really at a point we're people are getting excited at the prospect of signing any Joe Average that is available 🙄

This reply was deleted.

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