
  • Fucking hell. If this man stays injury free he will be our buy of the season. He can be the difference IMO t us going the next step

    • Yes Hodgson could well be the difference to us winning this year . And I cannot wait to watch us play the Raiders and hopefully see him wipe the smile off his old coaches face . 

    • Hope he stays fit and bring back his ball stripping wizardry 

  • You just got to hope all the bad injury juju he's endured over the years is used up and he can stay on the park.

    He looks in fantastic nick and I have no doubt he'll have a big year.

  • He is a GUN.  2nd only to Cameron SMITH in smarts, ability to manipulate the ruck, brainwash the markers and create indecision in the refs.  Perfect for us to play our power game. 

    • 10946518095?profile=RESIZE_180x180

    • He was a gun and 2nd only to Cam Smith 4 or 5 years ago.

      His arms are huge. If he can learn to do a handstand and run that way he might last the season.

  • Fantastic !! I have always thought highly of him playing for the raiders . Yes of course I was cautious about a full return from ACL Surgery however I hoped " age shall not weary him " applied here .

  • Ever since he signed with us I've felt good about it. Looks fit as fuck, he's clever around the ruck, stacks of experience. Keen to see him play. 

    • From what I've heard, he's stripped about five kegs from his former playing weight. Apparently he has the lowest BMI of his career. He looks absolutely ripped. 

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Frank The Tank replied to Adam Mogg's discussion Ryles- complete clean out happening.
"Precisely "
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Frank The Tank replied to Adam Mogg's discussion Ryles- complete clean out happening.
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