Eels 2024 Premiers

I sat out last year, following my prediction in 2022 of an Eels v Panthers grand final ( with a Panthers victory).  But, as confidence amongst the eels faithfull is at its nadar, I return, to spread hope, and proclam that an incredible turn of events will unfold, and the Eels will break their drought.  

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  • What's in that pipe?

  • Someone please bookmark this blog.

    Hope you are right, i'd ike to see them win another GF before my time is up.

  • There is no chance of Parramatta winning the premiership this season. The last time I truly believed we could win the competition without any doubts whatsoever was 2005. 

    • 2001 - Biggest choke of them all.

    • Same. People go on about 2001, but 2005 was an even bigger choke. That season was ours to lose and we managed to lose it a week early. Crazy stuff.

      • With all due respect king of the choke was 1998

        We lost a place in a GF to a team that came 9th in the regular season 

        • I've never recovered from that Prelim in 98.

          Talk about a walk of shame out of the SFS.....dogs fans were ruthless that day.

          • You will never see a team lead a game like that in a finals game ever again and lose with that alloted time remaining. We saw last year Penrith came back and won but they had 20+ minutes to comeback, Canterbury had less than ten minutes to score three tries which back in them days without six agains and other factors was almost impossible to do.

          • I know what you're talking about Frank,  that game damaged my football experience for almost 2 decades. RL became stressfull instead of enjoyable 

            There is  a road to recovery Frank.     It's called unicorn street

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