I am not sure if there is an appetite for a blog like this at this time of the footy season. I will put it up anyway. There is a lot happening on the world stage at the moment and no one really knows how it will end. or where we are headed. Tensions of War, Covid {still) and the possibility of a very real financial crisis, and yes Climate change as well are all things that have the potential to heavily impact on our lives. The New World order may be necessary for a civilized way of life as no order will lead to disaster which will destroy many institutions which we have progressed. Totalitarianism and Democracy is in a balance
For those interested in history and world affairs this is a good " Big Think" talk on how things are changing in Europe where a major crisis is having an impact on changing the new world order as a consequence of a failed opportunity by Putin..
Tad while I'm here and getting killed in the rush I been following this stuff deeply since I first heard of it when I was 20. Lots happening at the moment in the positive I hope is true. Pure evil with former Japanese president being killed who didn't go along with vaccine therapy for his country.
I like your footy comments one of the smartest on here.
Parrakeet I think historically we are going through a painful phase which you often have to go through to make meaningful change for survival.Lets hope we go through it with the leadership based on the welfare of the best interests on humanity. The weponary out there is frightening .I hate seeing remnants of beautiful historical structure's destroyed for stupid reasons.
Whats being told and what's on agenda two different things. Hopefully everything exposed soon. Whole of Europe protesting and governments getting kicked out as I speak. Millions in streets because of lack of food and corrupt governments. I don't think truth makes the news here.
hahahahaha fake news again......millions in canberra protesting, millions in europe protesting but no coverage...its a conspiracy 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
No only 1 mil in Canberra.
🤣🤣🤣 just as farcical
The population of Canberra/ACT is about 430,000, yet somehow that area was magically able to cope with an extra 1 million visitors...
MeeIK I was there I witnessed it. Are you calling me a liar?
Ok, so you witnessed it. Did you personally head count every person that was there?
we have already had this discussion keet, and you were ridiculed about your claims back then and you had no substance to them in the end.
you recanted and said maybe half a million, then 200,000, then the reality hit and you realised it was only albo, penny and their dogs.