Being lazy , just tonight I'd ask the group .  I want to do a rough design of my backyard and pool area and do a mock up of how I want my landscaping to look, does anyone know if there's a free app or program you can download to do a mock up design of my yard ? Preferable a Matterson ( free or cheap version ) , I know they exist but after having a bit of a search around im sick of downloading ( free versions ) only to find out the only thing free about them is the download. 

Anyone used anything similar they can recommend ? Don't mind paying a few bucks for anything that's simple to use and does a good job.

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    I dont use the Lite version so this may have some limitations. I think there may be a 30 day trial.

    If you have any questions let me now. 

    As you already noticed there are other apps etc but i have generally found them to be limited unless you want to upgrade. 

    "Autodesk trials offer the chance to explore full capabilities of the latest software for a limited term (typically 30 days). To cancel a free trial, turn off automatic renewal before the trial period ends. If a payment method was not required at the start of the trial, it'll expire automatically".

    Download AutoCAD LT | AutoCAD LT Free Trial | Autodesk Australia
    Download a free trial of AutoCAD LT for Windows or Mac. Learn how to create 2D drawings with free AutoCAD LT tutorials and learning resources.
    • Thanks mate , I'll check it out and have a play . Stressful stuff trying to picture what I want so I'm needing to have at least a plan in place . 

      Bought 50sqm of silver trevertine pavers today which are going down on Saturday but I'm fucked if I can picture what the rest of the yard will look like.  All I know is I want bird of paradise and Frangapanis , thanks again mate , looking forward to designing something . 

  • Swimming pool with green water Stock Photo | Adobe Stock

  • Matterson wouldn't go for the glass pool fencing, he'd probably install some cheap shit from bunnings. Also don't go the pricey outdoor shower and bathroom combo,  just piss in the pool like cointing coin Matto 

  • 10994179286?profile=RESIZE_930x

    • This is my joint Wiz with a terrazzo type white concrete coping. It's the last of this particular type they don't make it anymore but there's plenty similar.

      It looks mint

      • Very very nice , how much drop is on that coping mate ? We went with the 70mm in the silver trevitine ( spelling don't know it's the mrs domain ) .  Mate that looks absolutely mint . Similar to my vision , although we are a little limited for space as our yard does have a deck on the second level that 5he posts  goe out inline with the pool area 

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