I did write the essence of this in a post elsewhere but upon reading it I thought we could get into a broader discussion. I am not trying to identify a "prime candidate" as much of a needs issue! Yes it is accepted that Robson would be a great buy and some say Brailey as well, but lets put them both aside as not being available and see what we can do with what's left.

For me  the keeping of Lussick is surrounded by our back ups. I know little about Ryley Smith and so I cannot make judgements about him to go in cold if say "Hands" had a long injury.

I would like to think we can develop out of our existing first or near first grade forwards  someone to be developed as a potential dummy half. We used Ray Stone on this basis and on face value that style of player is what we need. In saying that you would have to say that Stone was only "very fair" in that role.

So that leaves me with Lussick if we had to carry him in the top 30 as a standby. I could in term's of a disaster say we could do worse (just take anybody to get a job done) than go out and buy a hooker who maybe not give us a better service than Lussick.

I am reasonably confident Hands is maybe the real deal, at the very least a 14 but his season longevity has been marginal at times. Surprisingly so given his education in health fitness.

I am also very conscious of us not needing a "dominant" hooker. Harry Grant was a disaster in my eyes in his Test Matches with Moses and historically Reed Mahoney did not gel with Moses either.

Making  up our minds, how many people do you want running the games, Dyllan is not a sub for Moses in that respect and we know that.  I don't know much about Dean Hawkins, is he capable of being a 14?

Hopgood maybe able to run a game from Lock (Yeo who he has modelled himself on does), but I cannot think of anyone else in our backline, if Moses is injured. I guess if he is out for a term then Hawlikns gets that gig, but intermatch I am not certain who else can do it.  I would even consider bringing Lomax into 5/8 amd having Dyllan play outside him in certain circumstances. Initially I did not have a great opinion of Lomax but after watching him a lot more, he definately has on field leadership abilities and I grossly undervalued him.

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  • I'm surprised pops you given haven't given Wiz a Mention! Lol 

    • Well he is a hooker of another type Micky.

  • Good questions Pops.

    Although we don't need a full-time dominant rake clashing with Moses, we need someone to step up when he is absent, whether that's at 6, 7, or 9.

    Dylan isn't Luai-like yet, but will he mature? Otherwise, can Hawkins, Hands or Joey (former halves) or Smith fill this void? Someone needs to. Hands grew after Arthur left, but neither him, Dylan nor Lussisk seem huge on-field talkers which undermines that role. Is Hawkins or Smith? 

    Improving the team's systems goes hand in hand with that - roster, attitude and habit patterns. It's  another crucial missing ingredient addressing the schizoid, Jeckly-Hyde vulnerabilties of the Arthur era and lack of resilience. The Panthers and Storm lead the systems race.

    PS: I'd love more spark out of dummy half too. Perhaps Papalii will help.


    • Thanks Hoey, I sort of directly missed Joash Papalii as I saw him as a wing/ fullback in the first instance. 

      Thinking more about it he could be a sensation with genuine speed out of dummy half, Cook like....great point.

      These are the reasons I thought a discussion was justified..... another thing that has emerged is that if Hunt goes to the Bronco's there are a couple up there that may want out as well.

      • Pops, yeah Gus saw Papalii as a 14 too, at least initially. If he's ready & got the right attitude, he could fill a void we've had for a long time: speed & spark. His flexibility to play on wing or fullback as well is invaluable. Most  teams lose (90%).when an outside back goes down especially early in a game.

        He probably isn't the solution to filling the other void though: the "dominant" voice in Moses' absence. Not sure who is tbh. Have doubts Dylan, Hands or Lussick are (not big talkers). I think we need one. Is Brailey (his brother did it for the Sharks though)? Mozer has the smarts and potential but I doubt he'll leave QLD.

  • One thing to also note I expect our existing hookers  in our squad to improve with their service including Joey given we have Nathan brown as one of the assistants 

    • Good point Kenny, I had overlooked that!

    • 💯

  • Lachlan Coinakis is a real possibility in this equation. Not this year but in 2026 he will start to have a prescence for the future.

    • Yes, also good point....could he play one's this year at a pinch LB?

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