I replied in another blog to "Pou"who has a good insight on many things Rugby league and Parramatta.

I thought maybe a stand alone blog on early days maybe a good discussion point. Especially given our/Ryles emphasis on some of the young players he has recruited and has coming through. 

I am not sure what this comp will be called i.e Flegg,  but I think Ryles may haven stolen a march in the recruitment stakes! I have a suspicion they (NRL) will announce a major sponsorship.

""Pou,  note your comments about the 21 year old's, maybe you could expand your view given the NRL are going to a National Under 21 Comp in the near future (is it next year?).

I understand these games will be played immediately prior to FG and I think we may see players picked in FG from both NSW Cup  and Under 21's.... I wonder if there will be a pecking order i.e do you progress to FG via Cup or 21's.???""

Final note Michael W predicted this competition would evolve a few weeks ago, again showing his insight in the games progression.


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  • I will tell you one thing that will stop NRL from having an NYC type comp again televised is NRLW. Unless they do three grades in one day. Soon NRLW will have 16-18 teams and will play pretty much a full season and they will play before FG, maybe same draw. Hope I'm wrong.

    But yeah we used to see players plucked straight from Holden Cup before even stepping foot in Cup. Mannah was that, Moeroa another, Ryan Morgan too did that on top of my head.

    Now it is very rare to be plucked straight from Flegg. But would love to see U21's

    • All good points LB, your contribution adds the type of value to the discussion I'm looking for.

      The point about TV saturation is very relevant, maybe they will have to use another dedicated station ? as well.

      How much football can anyone watch in a day or in turn will this give some further value to going to games and watching 3 grades, Oh! the memories!....... I'm not sure the young people can concentrate for 4/5 hours LOL.

      My memory goes back to when I was a kid. We arrived between 11 and 12 and the 3rd Grade started at 12.30 and First Grade  3 oclock with Reserve Grade in the middle.

      I suspect we are looking at the 21's and girls on the same day, but what happens to Reserve Grade ......poor relations?

      Do dressing rooms become a problem in this exercise? In writing this and the effect it may have on Reserve Grade, I suspect there is no room for the girls. They may need to be on thursday and monday nights.

  • Has the NRL made the u/21's National comp a reality yet. I thought it was still in formulation / investigative stages with Ben Iken , Trent Robertson, Penrith and Storm figures involved in the committee.

    I do wonder what the NSWRL think about taking their flegg competition away from them. The u/21's National comp would just throw the Queensland based teams into the same comp as Flegg wouldnt it.

    If they are to align with NRL games , Imagine the costs of flying all these players / staff around the country. The costs of accomodation / other transport / meals  as well. The mind boggles at the cost of such a thing. 

    So I must ask - to what end do we need this new comp when Flegg services NSW teams.

    Queensland last year abolished their u/21's comp to run u/17's and u/19's comps. They basically believe that any kid over 19 can play opens in the Queensland cup competition.

    I'm not so sure we need a weekly National u/21's comp.

    • All valid Bluey......further discussion to happen. What I read implied that committe had virtually decided that was the way they were going.

      • Yep probably right Pops. I didnt think it would progress much further and didnt  pay much more attention. I just assumed at first glance that the cost would be huge and to what end. 
        Happy to hear what others are thinking about the competition. Would people watch it on pay per view etc or is it footy overload. Interesting 

        • yes, I am inclined to agree, but we can only guess they have thought the logistics through.

          Maybe they have a big sponsor to handle the travel and accomodation i.e. PNG Airlines LOL

  • So Fitzgeralds NYC is making a comeback like a good porno

    • I haven't formed an opinion on this yet. one of the reasons I wrote the blog was to help me form one.....none the wiser at this point.

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