Parramatta Leagues To Become Entertainment Capital

The Parramatta Leagues Club is launching a bold bid to establish itself as one of the premier sports and entertainment precincts in Australia.

13331152888?profile=RESIZE_710xArtist's impression of the precinct during night games.

Titled Parramatta Live, this bold vision will further enable the community to connect with the Leagues Club and Parramatta Eels.

The masterplan replaces the 17-floor hotel originally announced in 2018 and will see a massive development undertaken to transform the current Leagues Club and facilities into a world-class sports, entertainment and lifestyle destination, future-proofing both the club and the Eels.

It will include:

  • 450 square metre youth hub

  • Events and conference space

  • A new clubhouse

  • A state-of-the-art gym

  • Dedicated entertainment level

  • A hotel

  • Outdoor gathering spaces

  • Variety of dining experiences

  • Connectivity with the Parramatta CBD and Parramatta North

It will deliver a modern precinct rivalling that of Sydney’s Moore Park, while further boosting the local economy.


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  • Another fever dream that won't eventuate... basically recycling the ideas from 2014 and hoping people won't remember...

    • Ask yourself why nothing from 2014 didn't happen. The club's in a much better position now and has support from state gov for this project.

      • And what about the other works that had been going on since before the grand final appearance in 2022? please...

        • What does your negativity say that would change the situation Seraph.....anyone can fly in and shit, you obviously have some knowledge about the happenings, can you tell us people interstate what the problem is so we know who we can blame for your distrust?

          • Pops - you're right, I do have some knowledge.

            But I don't owe any explanations or elaborations and to be honest the majority on here would say I'm just making it up or in your words 'fly in and shit'. People can believe what they want, I don't need or want to try and convince anyone, time will ultimately tell

            • Ok, that's your call, but maybe you could word it differently by saying something like ......."I cannot say what it is but I am aware there are a number of issues that lie in the direction of "whatever".

              I suppose that would make people  aware that something is not right and maybe opens up an agenda for someone else to offer something.

              My problem is it just seem's to be an opportunity to put down the club regardless, I am aware of the Spag problems but I am sure that we have other "players" (no pun) that are equally trying to correct past issues that did not measure up. Doesn't mean that past wrongs cannot be recovered?

              • Poppa the Popular, you are trying to control the manner and tone with which Seraph chose to express himself. you even give him Poppa-approved options for future discourse.

                There is no problem with Seraphs comments. Your replies are manipulative and controlling....Like a fucking motherduck


              • If people cannot see that there are glaring issues within both the team and the club, anything I could say contrary would just be met with disdain and the ever-popular 'you're just being negative' or 'are you even a true supporter?' response.

                Thinking that any and all sorts of political or power games are all done and dusted with Spags out of the picture (for now at least) is, in my opinion, naive. Not saying people aren't entitled to try and self correct, but power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. That being said, hearing the things I have without any hard evidence would lead to more people saying I am making stuff up. Read my earlier posts/comments mate, I was optimistic and hopeful, but with time and knowledge, faith in the top brass has been quickly lost.


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