I don't have high expectations of us winnning this week unless we put in the best performance we have seen all year, but even then we need the Storm be off for their standards

Either way my biggest worry is I believe the Refs will give them all the help they need to win against us, To be the Ref in the game that broke the record for the most consecutive wins in a regular season wil no doubt be in the back of their minds

I just want a fair game, win or lose, give our boys the opportunity to be the team that stops their run

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  • Let's hope the news of the coaches staying gives them extra energy to win tomorrow night, or could show their graditude but having 60 put on them.

  • As a fan for over 40 odd years for the first time as a fan I hope we get blown out of the park it hurts to say this but when the club management shows no respect to its fans and ignore their pain and suffering the next AGM is coming and they should pay for it if the club members re elect them I'll burn my club membership and would not put one cent towards the club in any form the fans need to send a strong message to the 

    f. Wits at the club that we would not accept anything other than BA sacking 

    • Your full stop is missing . 

  • We could get a fair call... hell, we could even get the absolute rub of the green tomorrow night... and we'll still get flogged.

    We will only be saved some embarrassment if the Storm put the cue in the rack early, take a few off early etc.

This reply was deleted.

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